
Guide for Authors


  • Manuscripts for the conference proceedings can be uploaded via your personal account ( Login or Register ). Files must be Windows compatible and should be provided in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) or text file (.txt) format. Please avoid any formatting (exception: author names should be formatted as small capitals — never in capital letters) and any hyphenation.
  • Manuscripts have to be written in proper English language (American or British English are both accepted, but not a mixture of these). Each published article will be complemented by a comprehensive German summary. The translation is ensured by the editors.


Manuscript structure

  • Manuscripts should start with a summary, highlighting the objectives of the work, data used and key findings. Regarding the manuscript structure, citations, table formats (please use tabulators and not space characters) and references, authors are advised to download the enclosed sample of a "Die Vogelwelt" article in English language for orientation.
  • Texts should be focused and understandable.


Figures have to be provided as original files.

  • Graphic files: Please provide graphics as Excel, OpenOffice, Libri Office, SigmaPlot or SPSS files. CorelDraw, Freehand or Illustrator vector files are also acceptable (file formats: xls, jbn, pmdx, ods, cdr, fh, eps, ai). PDF files exported directly from graphic programmes (or created by a virtual printer) are acceptable, too. Please avoid the provision of graphics and/or diagrams in JPEG format.
  • Figures can be used as placement indicator within the text file. Nonetheless, figures must be provided as separate original files, too.
  • Pictures: Please provide original, unedited files. In case JPEG files are provided, these should not be compressed
  • Please provide captions for all figures. Picture captions have to comprise the name of the photographer, if applicable species name, location and date.

Publication process

Manuscripts must represent original research not submitted to or published in any other journal. Nonetheless, for contributions to the conference proceedings, results/studies published elsewhere are acceptable as long as they are presented in a new or updated context.

All submissions have to be made via the conference website.

Authors will receive 2 issues of the journal comprising their article free of charge as well as a pdf file. Additional prints of the journal can be ordered against invoice at the page­proofing stage.


In case of questions relating to manuscript preparation, please feel free to contact

  • (CC: )

Important! For manuscript preparation please consider the following "Formatting requirements"


  • Scientific names should be mentioned in the title and should not be repeated within the abstract or main text.

Main text

  • Results should be phrased using past tense.
  • Passive syntax (was observed / implemented etc.) should occasionally be loosened by active formulations (we observed / recognized etc.). It is entirely acceptable to write in the first person.
  • For internal cross­referencing of figures or tables please use including brackets, e.g. (Table 3, Fig. 2), in the text.
  • Months should be spelled out when dates occur within the text.
  • Digits from 1 to 12 should be written as words (one, two, three, ...).
  • In English language, species names are written with an upper case first letter (unless names consist of several words, e.g. Black­headed Gull).
  • Referencing within the text: Multiple references have to be listed chronologically (not alphabetically) within brackets.
  • Paragraphs have to comprise more than a single sentence.
  • Authors (citations) have to be written in small capitals.


  • Information on sample sizes ("n = ...") need to embrace the entire sample a percentage value refers to. Example: " 10 % (n = 100)" implies that 10 of 100 individuals are affected, but not that 10 % represent an absolute figure of 100 individuals.
  • In case of not normally distributed data, median and confidence interval have to be provided, but not average and standard deviation.
  • When analysing trends (time series), autocorrelation within the data set has to be considered. Rank correlation as well as simple linear regression is not permitted.


  • For dimensions, abbreviations in brackets have to be used, e.g. s, min., ha. They should only be used once per axis and not after each item.
  • All wording in table and figure captions and contents will be published in English and German (translations will be done by the editors).

List of references

  • For journal articles "volume number: pagination" (e.g. 58: 223­231) must be provided. The respective issue number is only provided when the volume is not numbered consecutively.
  • Standard abbreviation for ornithology, ornithological etc. should be "ornithol." and "Ornithol.", respectively (e.g. J. Ornithol. for Journal of Ornithology).
  • In titles of journal articles "and" should be replaced by "&".
  • English titles: Nouns within journal titles must have lower cases letters, while within book titles upper case first letters must be used. English species names generally have upper case first letters (as in the main text).
  • The language of cited articles is not specified; accordingly additions like "(Japanese with English summary)" should be avoided.
  • Handbook chapters and single species chapters written by individual authors must be cited providing the name of the author, volume number and page reference for the respective chapter, e.g. Moll, G. 1975: Common Crane — Grus grus. In: Glutz von Blotzheim... (eds.): Handbook of the Birds of Central Europe. Vol. 5: p. xxx­xxx.
  • For books, the title, publisher and place of publication are cited. Subtitles and page number are not cited. For individual book chapters the page reference (p.) is cited following the book title. Publisher and place of publication are placed at the end of the citation. When a publisher has branches in several cities, only the former is mentioned. In case of a well­known place of publication (e. g. Oxford, London, New York) the country (e. g. UK, USA) does not have to be mentioned.
    • Masden, E. A., A. D. Fox, R. W. Furness, R. Bullman & D. T. haydon 2010: Cumulative impact assessments and bird/wind farm interactions: Developing a conceptual framework. Environ. Impact Assess. Rev. 30: 1­7.
    • Huntley, B., R. E. Green, Y. C. Collingham & S. G. Willis 2007: A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
    • Markones, N., S. Garthe, V. Dierschke & S. Adler 2008: Small scale temporal variability of seabird distribution patterns in the south­eastern North Sea. In: Wollny­Goerke, K. & K. Eskildsen (eds.): Marine Mammals and Seabirds in Front of Offshore Wind Energy: p. 115­140. Teubner, Wiesbaden.

Below main text

  • Corresponding author's address and email have to be provided. Academic titles are not mentioned, but are permitted within the acknowledgements, while given names are not spelled out.

Below main text

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