

Franz Bairlein: Change of landscape and climate in Africa: Implications for birds in Europe

Director of the Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland", professor of zoology at the University of Oldenburg and editor of the Journal of Ornithology. From 2001 to 2012, President of the German Ornithologists' Society.

Ariel Brunner: Birds and Common Agricultural Policy: What has to be changed?

Studied Environmental Sciences at Milan University. Currently head of EU Policy relevant for biodiversity conservation at BirdLife International.

Nigel Collar: Change and stability in the world list of bird species: the HBW-BirdLife endeavour, round 1

Senior Research Associate at Cambridge University, Dept of Zoology. He has served BirdLife International as Director of Science, Director of Development and Deputy Director, and now works as Leventis Fellow in Conservation Biology.

Gabriel Gargallo: A systematic approach to unsystematic data: The Euro Bird Portal project and visions beyond

Scientist at the Catalan Ornithological Institute and coordinatior of the EuroBirdPortal (EBP) project, mobilizing citizen science information at the continental scale.

Beate Jessel: Nature Conservation in Germany: Can we change the world for birds?

Beate Jessel, President of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN); she has been Professor for Landscape Planning in Potsdam and Munich and is now teaching at the University of Bonn.

Verena Keller: Atlases as a tool to document changes in distribution and abundance

Scientist at the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach (SOI) and Chair of the new European Breeding Bird Atlas (EBBA2) Steering Group.

Aly McCluskie: Birds and renewable energy, why counting counts

Researcher at the RSBP Centre for Conservation Science. Involved in the assessment of offshore wind developments. Honorary Lectureship at the University of Glasgow.

Johannes Wahl, Christoph Sudfeldt & Rainer Dröschmeister: Europe in a nutshell: Bird monitoring in a federal republic

Johannes Wahl is a scientist at the DDA (Umbrella organization of German Avifaunists). He coordinates the International Waterbird Census in Germany and the Citizen Science project

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